Wednesday 21 April 2010

Unhappy? Strap this on your head.

It's 9:11am. Switch on BBC News and there's Beverley Callard sitting on the sofa disclosing details of her clinical depression and subsequent ECT.

"After a couple of weeks, I couldn't even remember my own name"

Since reading about Lou Reed's ECT to cure his homosexuality, it's safe to say, I'm not a big fan of this treatment. Lou Reed himself confesses that this moronic remedy left him devoid of emotion and the proceeding aim of his parents to make him normal did quite the opposite, in leaving Reed as a blank and heartless being.

When it comes to Callard, I'm not sure that much work is needed to achieve the above results. It will be interesting to see how Liz is played in the future though won't it? Instead of the lycra wearing, northern equivalent of the MILF (arguable), will we see an unimpassioned, cold-fish of a woman? I hope so. Where that is not an attack on Callard herself, sympathy for her presupposed condition is limitless, but to appear on morning news describing the positive effects? Your wool isn't covering anyone's eyes. That's the thing though. Maybe it is. She actually started off talking about the positive effects of anti-depressants and then concluded with "and you don't think the ECT is going to work, then it really does. I'm quite an imaginative person so I thought I could smell rotting flesh." Give you a clue, your imagination is working overtime if you're presuming that was down to your imagination. Come on everyone, strap this to your head, feel happy.

I for one hope this has a slight effect on the costume choice for Liz. No matter how many exercise videos you do Bev, that cleavage still doesn't sit right with me around tea time.


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