Sunday 23 May 2010

Sunday Musings #2


It's been a fairly eventful week consisting of the following:

- Attempting to give blood and being told that this will never be possible due to past blood transfusion - boo.
- Death of a grandparent.
- Half Hearted previewing at Cannes - yay! Hi famous (Ange), it's famous here (me)... this made me do an actual lol at the time.
- Haircut - this is a biggie.
- iPhone that i'm still uncomfortable with and, will never ever say 'there's an app for that' and I don't mean to be a cunt, but that's reminded me of this one application that puts different lenses and films effects on the camera - AMAZING.
- Santorini difficulties, issues, change of circumstances if you will, but it's back on!

(I realise this isn't really in the spirit of my usual blogging)

- Broseph's 20th!
- Few more dresses.
- It's 10:40am on a Sunday morning and I just got in, minus hangover, dead sunny - sleeps in sun required - hi burn. One thing that I'm probably only putting on here because I'm still drunk is, that no matter how much I get ribbed by my wonderful friends about my sketch show of a life, they are still very very wonderful. Deffo still pissed. I'm glad that they realised that I'd go 100% dirty guts if I get thrown into a pool. In fact, I reserve this judgement until after holiday.

Anyway, although all these major events (yes.) have occured this week, the biggest thing happened. CRAIG DAVID ANNOUNCED FOR HANLEY PARK MID JUNE. I.AM.THERE.

ULTIMATE. and anybody who denies this song is a liar.

I'm spent (hahaahahaaa) for now but I'll probably delete this post later, because it's a load of rubbish. I can feel the beginning of a headache.


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